July 8, 2:23 PM Vaccines Examiner Norma Erickson
Linda Morin had no idea she entered a nightmare on October 9, 2008. That is the day her beautiful daughter, Annabelle, received her first Gardasil injection at school. In Canada, HPV vaccination is part of the regular immunization schedule, and parents need not be informed when vaccination actually takes place.
Annabelle and her parents had heard about the vaccine two years earlier at a Urology Clinic. They were told this vaccine would prevent their daughter from ever getting cervical cancer and would save her life. They had even discussed it with Annabelle. They believed the vaccine was a good idea.
16 days after her first shot, Annabelle became very confused, was unable to speak and could hardly stand upright. Linda telephoned the Health Service and spoke to a nurse, who said it was not normal for a girl in full health to have disorders of this kind. She was advised to take her to the Emergency Room.
The symptoms of aphasia, weakness, amnesia, headache and constant vomiting led to hospital admission for observation. Her parents did not know she had been recently vaccinated. Annabelle was too ill to tell anyone.
Annabelle was thoroughly examined. There was no trace of alcohol or drugs in her system. It was clear to her mother that the symptoms were neurological. No one at the hospital asked if Annabelle had been recently vaccinated, even though the medical community knew this vaccination program had recently started in the schools. This was the first error.
Annabelle was released from the hospital and returned to school the next day. She told the school nurse that she had been admitted to the hospital and asked if her health card could be modified to take the circumstances into account. She also informed her teachers in case she experienced the same symptoms again. She wanted to make sure, if the situation repeated itself, she would be transported to the hospital in time. She also wanted to be sure the school was aware of the symptoms, should anyone else experience them.
When a person becomes ill during the course of HPV vaccinations, it is recommended to postpone further injections until the person has recovered. Annabelle did all the right things by communicating with the nursing staff and the teachers. Sadly, no one connected her illness to Gardasil. That was the second error.
24 November 2008, the third and fatal error: Annabelle received her second injection of Gardasil.
15 days later, she decided to have her bath (around 7:00 pm). With a book in her hand to read while bathing, she entered the bathroom. 30 minutes later, her mother was concerned because she heard no sounds from the room. Linda entered the bathroom to find her daughter dead in the bottom of the tub.
Linda's daughter had died without making a sound. Now Linda finds herself fighting the silence every day. She fights the silence of the manufacturer about the true side effects of HPV vaccines. She fights the silence of the medical community, who should have asked if Annabelle had been recently vaccinated. She fights the silence of the press, who should be reporting the adverse events and fatalities associated with Gardasil.
In Linda's words,
The Health System in Canada let my daughter down by not listening to her. As a consequence, my lovely girl has paid with her life.
Her father and I cannot come to terms with the fact that her autopsy report cannot find a cause of death. This is not normal in one so healthy, and yet, now I know more and have researched Gardasil. I find that there are 75 deaths on VAERS reports, and all of these deaths have one thing in common: each of these girls was vaccinated with Gardasil.
How significant is that? How revealing that our authorities appear to have turned their backs on the young, vulnerable girls and women who have died following vaccination with Gardasil.
They will be held accountable for this one day.

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